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Blazor Tooltips

Use Blazor Bootstrap tooltip component to add custom tooltips to your web pages.


NameTypeDescriptionRequiredDefaultAdded Version
ChildContentRenderFragmentnull✔️Gets or sets the content to be rendered within the component.1.0.0
ColorTooltipColorTooltipColor.NoneGets or sets the tooltip color.1.10.0
IsHtmlboolfalseGets or sets a value indicating whether to display the content as HTML instead of text.2.1.0
PlacementTooltipPlacementTooltipPlacement.TopGets or sets the tooltip placement.1.0.0
Titlestringnull✔️Displays informative text when users hover, focus, or tap an element.1.0.0



Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
<Tooltip Title="Tooltip Left" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Left">Tooltip Left</Tooltip>
<Tooltip Title="Tooltip Top">Tooltip Top</Tooltip>
<Tooltip Title="Tooltip Right" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Right">Tooltip Right</Tooltip>
<Tooltip Title="Tooltip Bottom" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Bottom">Tooltip Bottom</Tooltip>

See tooltips demo here.

Disabled button with tooltip

Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
<Tooltip Class="d-inline-block" Title="Disabled button"role="button">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" disabled>Disabled button</button>

See disabled button with tooltip demo here.

Tooltip icon with click event

Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip Component
<Tooltip Title="Click here" @onclick="OnClick" role="button">
<i class="bi bi-arrow-repeat text-danger"></i>
@code {
private void OnClick()

See icon with tooltip demo here.

Dynamically update the tooltip text

<div class="mb-3">
<Tooltip Title="@text" Placement="TooltipPlacement.Top">Tooltip Bottom</Tooltip>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" @onclick="ChangeTooltip">Change Tooltip</Button>

@code {
private string text = "Tooltip text";

private void ChangeTooltip() => text = $"Updated {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}";

see demo here

Tooltip with HTML

Blazor Bootstrap: Tooltip with HTML
<Tooltip Class="me-4" Title="<strong>Tooltip</strong> <em>with</em> <u>HTML</u>" IsHtml="true">Tooltip with HTML</Tooltip>

see demo here