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Blazor Pagination

Use Blazor Bootstrap pagination component to indicate a series of related content exists across multiple pages.


NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
ActivePageNumberint1Gets or sets the active page number.1.0.0
AlignmentAlignmentAlignment.NoneGets or sets the pagination alignment.1.0.0
DisplayPagesint5Gets or sets the maximum page links to be displayed.1.0.0
FirstLinkIconIconNameIconName.NoneGets or sets the first link icon.1.0.0
FirstLinkTextstringnullGets or sets the first link text. 'FirstLinkText' is ignored if 'FirstLinkIcon' is specified.1.0.0
LastLinkIconIconNameIconName.NoneGets or sets the last link icon.1.0.0
LastLinkTextstringnullGets or sets the last link text. 'LastLinkText' is ignored if 'LastLinkIcon' is specified.1.0.0
NextLinkIconIconNameIconName.NoneGets or sets the next link icon.1.0.0
NextLinkTextstringnullGets or sets the next link text. 'NextLinkText' is ignored if 'NextLinkIcon' is specified.1.0.0
PreviousLinkIconIconNameIconName.NoneGets or sets the previous link icon.1.0.0
PreviousLinkTextstringnullGets or sets the previous link text. 'PreviousLinkText' is ignored if 'PreviousLinkIcon' is specified.1.0.0
SizePaginationSizePaginationSize.NoneGets or sets the pagination size.1.0.0
TotalPagesint0Gets or sets the total pages.1.0.0

Callback Events

PageChangedThis event fires immediately when the page number is changed.



We use a large block of connected links for our pagination, making links hard to miss and easily scalable - all while providing large hit areas. Pagination is built with list HTML elements so screen readers can announce the number of available links.

Pagination - Examples
<Pagination TotalPages="8" />
<Pagination TotalPages="10" />
<Pagination TotalPages="13" />
<Pagination TotalPages="25" />
<Pagination TotalPages="100" />

See demo here.

Working with icons

Pagination - Working with icons
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="1"
LastLinkIcon="IconName.ChevronDoubleRight" />

See demo here.

Disabled and active states

Pagination - Disabled and active states
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="1" TotalPages="10" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="3" TotalPages="10" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="5" TotalPages="10" />

See demo here.


Fancy larger or smaller pagination? Add Size="PaginationSize.Small" or Size="PaginationSize.Large" for additional sizes.

Pagination - Sizing
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="5" TotalPages="5" Size="PaginationSize.Small" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="5" TotalPages="5" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="5" TotalPages="5" Size="PaginationSize.Large" />

See demo here.


Pagination - Alignment
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="2" TotalPages="5" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="2" TotalPages="5" Alignment="Alignment.Center" />
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="2" TotalPages="5" Alignment="Alignment.End" />

See demo here.

Callback Events

Pagination - Callback Events
<Pagination ActivePageNumber="@currentPageNumber"
PageChanged="OnPageChangedAsync" />

<text>Current Page Number: @currentPageNumber</text>
@code {
int currentPageNumber = 2;

private async Task OnPageChangedAsync(int newPageNumber)
await Task.Run(() => { currentPageNumber = newPageNumber; });

See demo here.