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Blazor Carousel

Blazor Carousel component is a slideshow component that cycles through elements, images, or slides of text.

Blazor Bootstrap: Carousel component


NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
AutoplayCarouselAutoPlayCarouselAutoPlay.NoneControls the autoplay behavior of the carousel.3.0.0
ChildContentRenderFragment?null✔️Gets or sets the content to be rendered within the component.3.0.0
CrossfadeboolfalseDetermines whether to use a crossfade effect when transitioning between slides.3.0.0
Intervalint?5000 millisecondsThe amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item.3.0.0
KeyboardbooltrueWhether the carousel should react to keyboard events.3.0.0
ShowIndicatorsboolfalseIndicates whether to show indicators (dots) below the carousel to navigate between slides.3.0.0
ShowPreviousNextControlsbooltrueSpecifies whether to display the previous and next controls (arrows) for navigating slides.3.0.0
TouchbooltrueCarousels support swiping left/right on touchscreen devices to move between slides. This can be disabled by setting the Touch parameter to false.3.0.0

CarouselItem Parameters

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
ActiveboolfalseGets or sets the active state.3.0.0
ChildContentRenderFragmentnull✔️Gets or sets the content to be rendered within the component.3.0.0
Intervalint?5000 millisecondsThe amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item.3.0.0
Labelstring?nullGets or sets the aria-label.3.0.0


NameDescriptionAdded Version
ShowItemByIndexAsync(int index)Shows CarouselItem by index.3.0.0
PauseCarouselAsync()Shows next CarouselItem.3.0.0
ShowNextItemAsync()Shows next CarouselItem.3.0.0
ShowPreviousItemAsync()Shows previous CarouselItem.3.0.0

Callback Events

NameDescriptionAdded Version
OnslideFires immediately when the slide instance method is invoked.3.0.0
OnslidFired when the carousel has completed its slide transition.3.0.0


Here is a basic example of a carousel with three slides.

Blazor Bootstrap: Carousel Component - Examples
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.


You can add indicators to the carousel, alongside the previous/next controls. The indicators allow users to jump directly to a particular slide. Set ShowIndicators to true to show the indicators.

Blazor Bootstrap: Carousel Component - Indicators
<Carousel ShowIndicators="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.


You can add captions to your slides with the CarouselCaption component within any CarouselItem. They can be easily hidden on smaller viewports.

Blazor Bootstrap: Carousel Component - Captions
<Carousel ShowIndicators="true">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-04.png" />
<h2>Earth Day</h2>
<p>Let's unite to protect our planet and create a sustainable future for generations to come.</p>
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-05.png" />
<h2>International Yoga Day</h2>
<p>Embrace the ancient art of harmony for a healthier, happier you.</p>
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-06.png" />
<h2>World Water Day</h2>
<p>Every drop counts, let's protect our planet's most precious resource.</p>

See the demo here.


To animate slides with a fading transition instead of sliding, set Crossfade to true.

Blazor Bootstrap: Carousel Component - Crossfade
<Carousel Crossfade="true">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.

Autoplaying carousels

You can make your carousels autoplay on page load by setting the Autoplay parameter to CarouselAutoPlay.StartOnPageLoad. Autoplaying carousels automatically pause while hovered with the mouse.

<Carousel Autoplay="CarouselAutoPlay.StartOnPageLoad">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

When the Autoplay parameter is set to CarouselAutoPlay.StartAfterUserInteraction, the carousel won't automatically start to cycle on page load. Instead, it will only start after the first user interaction.

<Carousel Autoplay="CarouselAutoPlay.StartAfterUserInteraction">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.

Add Interval parameter to a CarouselItem component to change the amount of time to delay between automatically cycling to the next item.

<Carousel Autoplay="CarouselAutoPlay.StartOnPageLoad">
<CarouselItem Active="true" Interval="10000">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<CarouselItem Interval="2000">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.

Autoplaying carousels without controls

Hide the controls by setting ShowPreviousNextControls parameter to false.

<Carousel Autoplay="CarouselAutoPlay.StartOnPageLoad" ShowPreviousNextControls="false">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.

Disable touch swiping

Carousels support swiping left/right on touchscreen devices to move between slides. This can be disabled by setting the Touch option to false.

<Carousel Touch="false">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

See the demo here.


Blazor Bootstrap Carousel component exposes a two events for hooking into Carousel functionality.

<Carousel Onslid="Onslid" Onslide="Onslide">
<CarouselItem Active="true">
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-01.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-02.png" />
<Image Src="_content/BlazorBootstrap.Demo.RCL/images/slide-03.png" />

@code {
ToastService ToastService { get; set; } = default!;
private void Onslid(CarouselEventArgs e)
var message = new ToastMessage
Type = ToastType.Secondary,
Title = "Carousel Events",
HelpText = $"{DateTime.Now}",
Message = $"Onslid: from={e.From}, to={e.To}"

private void Onslide(CarouselEventArgs e)
var message = new ToastMessage
Type = ToastType.Secondary,
Title = "Carousel Events",
HelpText = $"{DateTime.Now}",
Message = $"Onslide: from={e.From}, to={e.To}"

See the demo here.