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Blazor Icons

Blazor Bootstrap icon component will display an icon from any icon font.


  • Install Bootstrap Icons or other.

  • Include the icon fonts stylesheet in your website <head> or @import in CSS from CDN.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />


NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
ColorIconColorIconColor.NoneGets or sets the icon color.1.9.0
CustomIconNamestring?nullSpecify custom icons of your own, like fontawesome. Example: fas fa-alarm-clock1.0.0
NameIconNameIconName.NoneGets or sets the icon name.1.0.0
SizeIconSizeIconSize.NoneGets or sets the icon size.1.0.0

Either Name or CustomIconName parameter is mandatory. For Font Awesome setup, please follow the Font Awesome website.



Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component
<Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" />
<Icon Name="IconName.AlarmFill" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Window" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Apple" />

See icons demo here.


Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Sizes
<Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" Size="IconSize.x2" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" Size="IconSize.x3" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" Size="IconSize.x4" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" Size="IconSize.x5" />

See icons with different size demo here.

Font awesome icons

In the following example, we used Font Awesome 6.4.2 free version icons. For Font Awesome setup, please follow the Font Awesome website.

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Font awesome icons
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x1" />
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x2" />
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x3" />
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x4" />
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x5" />
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-hands-clapping" Size="IconSize.x6" />


Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Colors
<Icon Name="IconName.Facebook" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Primary" />
<Icon Name="IconName.CloudLightningRainFill" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Secondary" />
<Icon Name="IconName.CheckAll" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Success" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Bug" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Danger" />
<Icon Name="IconName.ExclamationDiamondFill" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Warning" />
<Icon Name="IconName.InfoCircleFill" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Info" />
<Icon Name="IconName.CreditCard2FrontFill" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Light" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Apple" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Dark" />
<Icon Name="IconName.Asterisk" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Body" />
<Icon Name="IconName.VolumeMuteFill" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.Muted" />
<Icon Name="IconName.BrowserSafari" Size="IconSize.x2" Color="IconColor.White" />

See icons with different size demo here.

Inline text with icon

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Inline text with icon
Inline text <Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" />

See inline text with icon demo here.

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Link with icon
<a href="#" class="text-decoration-none">
Example link text <Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" />

See link with icon demo here.

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Link with custom icon
<a href="#" class="text-decoration-none">
Example link text <Icon CustomIconName="bi bi-bootstrap" />

See link with custom icon demo here.

Button with icon and text

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Button with icon and text
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Primary"><Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" /> Button </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Success"><Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" /> Button </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Danger" Outline="true"><Icon Name="IconName.AlarmFill" /> Button </Button>

See button with icon and text demo here.

Button with icon only

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Button with icon only
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Secondary"><Icon Name="IconName.Alarm" /></Button>

See button with icon only demo here.

Button with font awesome icon

In the following example, we used Font Awesome 6.4.2 free version icons. For Font Awesome setup, please follow the Font Awesome website.

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Button with font awesome icon
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Secondary" TooltipTitle="Compare code">
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-code-compare"/>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Secondary" TooltipTitle="Create pull request">
<Icon CustomIconName="fa-solid fa-code-pull-request" />

Icon with tooltip

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Icon with tooltip
<Tooltip Title="Info Tooltip" role="button">
<Icon Name="IconName.InfoCircleFill"></Icon>

Bootstrap Icons

Blazor Bootstrap: Icon Component - Bootstrap Icons

See all bootstrap icons demo here.