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Blazor Grid

Use Blazor Bootstrap grid component to display tabular data from the data source. And it supports client-side and server-side paging & sorting.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component

Grid Parameters

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
AllowDetailViewboolfalseGets or sets a value indicating whether the grid detail view is enabled.3.0.0
AllowFilteringboolfalseGets or sets the grid filtering.1.0.0
AllowPagingboolfalseGets or sets the grid paging.1.0.0
AllowRowClickboolfalseGets or sets the allow row click.1.9.5
AllowSelectionboolfalseGets or sets the grid selection.1.8.0
AllowSortingboolfalseGets or sets the grid sorting.1.0.0
AutoHidePagingboolfalseAutomatically hides the paging controls when the grid item count is less than or equal to the PageSize and this property is set to true.1.10.5
ChildContentRenderFragmentnull✔️Gets or sets the content to be rendered within the component.1.0.0
DataIEnumerable<TItem>nullGets or sets the grid data.1.4.3
DataProviderGridDataProviderDelegate<TItem>nullDataProvider is for items to render. The provider should always return an instance of GridDataProviderResult, and null is not allowed.1.0.0
DisableAllRowsSelectionFunc<IEnumerable<TItem>, bool>?Enable or disable the header checkbox selection.1.8.0
DisableRowSelectionFunc<TItem, bool>?Enable or disable the row level checkbox selection.1.8.0
EmptyDataTemplateRenderFragmentnull✔️Template to render when there are no rows to display.1.0.0
EmptyTextstringNo records to displayShows text on no records.1.0.0
FiltersRowCssClassstringnullGets or sets the filters row css class.1.9.2
FiltersTranslationProviderGridFiltersTranslationDelegatenullFilters transalation is for grid filters to render. The provider should always return a 'FilterOperatorInfo' collection, and 'null' is not allowed.1.10.0
FixedHeaderboolfalseGets or sets the grid fixed header.1.10.3
GridContainerClassstringnullGets or sets the grid container css class.3.0.0
GridContainerStylestringnullGets or sets the grid container css style.3.0.0
HeaderRowCssClassstringnullGets or sets the header row css class but not the thead tag class.1.9.2
Heightfloat320 pixelsGets or sets the grid height.1.10.3
ItemsPerPageTextstringItems per page✔️Gets or sets the items per page text.1.9.5
PageSizeint10Gets or sets the page size.1.0.0
PageSizeSelectorItemsint[]new int[] { 10, 20, 50 }✔️Gets or sets the page size selector items.1.8.0
PageSizeSelectorVisibleboolfalseGets or sets the page size selector visible.1.8.0
PaginationItemsTextFormatstring{0} - {1} of {2} items✔️Gets or sets the pagination items text format.1.8.0
ResponsiveboolfalseGets or sets a value indicating whether Grid is responsive.1.0.0
RowClassFunc<TItem, string>?Gets or sets the row class.1.6.0
SelectionModeGridSelectionModeGridSelectionMode.SingleGets or sets the grid selection mode.1.8.0
SettingsProviderGridSettingsProviderDelegatenullSettings are for the grid to render. The provider should always return an instance of 'GridSettings', and 'null' is not allowed.1.0.0
THeadCssClassstring?nullGets or sets the thead css class.1.10.3
UnitUnitUnit.pxGets or sets the units.1.10.3

Grid requires either Data or DataProvider parameter, but not both.

Grid Callback Events

NameTypeDescriptionAdded Version
GridSettingsChangedEventCallback<GridSettings>This event is fired when the grid state is changed.1.0.0
OnRowClickEventCallback<GridRowEventArgs<TItem>>This event is triggered when the user clicks on the row. Set AllowRowClick to true to enable row clicking.1.9.5
OnRowDoubleClickEventCallback<GridRowEventArgs<TItem>>This event is triggered when the user double clicks on the row. Set AllowRowClick to true to enable row double clicking.1.9.5
SelectedItemsChangedEventCallback<HashSet<TItem>>This event is fired when the items selection changed.1.8.0

Grid Methods

NameReturn TypeDescriptionAdded Version
GetFilters()IEnumerable<FilterItem>Get filters.1.0.0
RefreshDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)TaskRefresh the grid data.1.0.0
ResetPageNumber()ValueTaskReset the page number to 1 and refresh the grid.1.4.3

GridColumn Parameters

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
ChildContentRenderFragmentnull✔️Gets or sets the content to be rendered within the component.1.0.0
ColumnClassFunc<TItem, string>?Gets or sets the column class.1.6.0
FilterablebooltrueIf true, filter is enabled. The filter is enabled or disabled based on the grid AllowFiltering parameter.1.0.0
FilterButtonColorButtonColorButtonColor.LightGets or sets the filter button color.3.0.0
FilterButtonCSSClassstring?nullGets or sets the filter button CSS class.3.0.0
FilterOperatorFilterOperatorFilterOperator.NoneGets or sets the filter operator.1.0.0
FilterTextboxWidthint0Gets or sets the filter textbox width in pixels.1.0.0
FilterValuestringnullGets or sets the filter value.1.0.0
FreezeboolfalseIndicates whether the column is frozen.1.10.4
FreezeDirectionFreezeDirectionFreezeDirection.LeftGets or sets the freeze direction of the column.1.10.4
FreezeLeftPositiondouble0Gets or sets the horizontal position of the column from left. It has no effect on non-positioned columns.1.10.4
FreezeRightPositiondouble0Gets or sets the horizontal position of the column from right. It has no effect on non-positioned columns.1.10.4
HeaderContentRenderFragmentnullGets or sets the header content.1.7.3
HeaderTextstringnullGets or sets the table column header text.1.0.0
HeaderTextAlignmentenumAlignment.StartGets or sets the header text alignment. Use Alignment.Start or Alignment.Center or Alignment.End.1.0.0
IsDefaultSortColumnboolfalseGets or sets the default sort column.1.0.0
PropertyNamestringnullGets or sets the property name. This is required when AllowFiltering is true.1.0.0
SortablebooltrueEnable or disable the sorting on a specific column. The sorting is enabled or disabled based on the grid AllowSorting parameter.1.0.0
SortDirectionSortDirectionSortDirection.NoneGets or sets the default sort direction of a column. Use SortDirection.Ascending or SortDirection.Descending1.0.0
SortKeySelectorExpression<Func<TItem, IComparable>>Expression used for sorting.1.0.0
SortStringstringnullGets or sets the column sort string. This string is passed to the backend/API for sorting. And it is ignored for client-side sorting.1.0.0
StringComparisonStringComparisonStringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCaseGets or sets the StringComparison. Use StringComparison.CurrentCulture or StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase or StringComparison.InvariantCulture or StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase or StringComparison.Ordinal or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase.1.0.0
TextAlignmentAlignmentAlignment.StartGets or sets the text alignment. Use Alignment.Start or Alignment.Center or Alignment.End.1.0.0
TextNoWrapboolfalseGets or sets text nowrap.1.0.0

GridSettings Properties

NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
PageNumberintPage number.1.0.0
PageSizeintSize of the page.1.0.0
FiltersIEnumerable<FilterItem>Current filters.1.0.0


Client side filtering

For filtering, AllowFiltering and PropertyName parameters are required. Add AllowFiltering="true" parameter to Grid and PropertyName parameter to all the GridColumns.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Client side filtering
<Grid @ref="grid"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee4" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee4" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee4" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee4" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee4" HeaderText="Active" PropertyName="IsActive">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees;

protected override void OnInitialized()
employees = new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

See demo here

Client side filtering with string comparision

In the below example, StringComparision.Ordinal is used on the Employee Name column to make the filter case-sensitive.


By default, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase is used to compare culture-agnostic and case-insensitive string matching.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Client side filtering with string comparision
<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name" StringComparison="StringComparison.Ordinal">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" PropertyName="IsActive">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees;

protected override void OnInitialized()
employees = new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

See demo here

Client side paging

For paging, AllowPaging and PageSize parameters are required. Add AllowPaging="true" and PageSize="20" parameters to the Grid. PageSize parameter is optional.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Client side paging

The default page size is 10.

<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees;

protected override void OnInitialized()
employees = new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 113, Name = "Merlin", Designation = "Senior Consultant", DOJ = new DateOnly(1989, 10, 2), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 117, Name = "Sharna", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 5, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 111, Name = "Glenda", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 1, 12), IsActive = true },

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

See demo here

Client side sorting

For sorting, AllowSorting and SortKeySelector parameters are required. Add AllowSorting="true" parameter to Grid and SortKeySelector to all the GridColumns.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Client side sorting
<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" SortKeySelector="item => item.Id">

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" SortKeySelector="item => item.Name">

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" SortKeySelector="item => item.Designation">

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" SortKeySelector="item => item.DOJ">

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" SortKeySelector="item => item.IsActive">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees;

protected override void OnInitialized()
employees = new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

See demo here

Client side filtering, paging, and sorting

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Client side filtering, paging, and sorting
<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id" SortKeySelector="item => item.Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name" SortKeySelector="item => item.Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation" SortKeySelector="item => item.Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ" SortKeySelector="item => item.DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" PropertyName="IsActive" SortKeySelector="item => item.IsActive">


<div class="mt-3">
Selected Items Count: @selectedEmployees.Count

<div class="mt-2">
Selected Employees:
@foreach (var emp in selectedEmployees)
@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees = default!;

private HashSet<Employee1> selectedEmployees = new();

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 113, Name = "Merlin", Designation = "Senior Consultant", DOJ = new DateOnly(1989, 10, 2), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 117, Name = "Sharna", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 5, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 111, Name = "Glenda", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 1, 12), IsActive = true },

private Task OnSelectedItemsChanged(HashSet<Employee1> employees)
selectedEmployees = employees is not null && employees.Any() ? employees : new();
return Task.CompletedTask;

See demo here

Set default filter

FilterOperator and FilterValue parameters are required to set the default filter.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Set default filter

You can set the default filter on more than one GridColumn.

<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.GreaterThanOrEquals" FilterValue="105">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" PropertyName="IsActive">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

See demo here

Disable specific column filter

Filterable parameter is required to disable the filter on a specific column. Add Filterable="false" parameter to GridColumn. The column filter is disabled on the Id column in the below example.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Disable specific column filter

By default, Filterable="true" on all the columns if the AllowFiltering parameter is set to true on the grid.

<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" Filterable="false">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" Filterable="false">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

See demo here

Increase filter textbox width

Add FilterTextboxWidth parameter to the GridColumn to increase or decrease the filter textbox width, FilterTextboxWidth parameter is optional.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Increase filter textbox width

Filter textbox width measured in pixels.

<Grid TItem="Employee3"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="First Name" PropertyName="FirstName" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Last Name" PropertyName="LastName" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Email" PropertyName="Email">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Company" TextNoWrap="true" PropertyName="Company">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Designation" TextNoWrap="true" PropertyName="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Salary" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.End" TextAlignment="Alignment.End" PropertyName="Salary" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Active" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center" PropertyName="IsActive">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee3>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee3>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee3> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee3> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee3>
new Employee3 { Id = 107, FirstName = "Alice", LastName = "Reddy", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), Salary = 7700, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 103, FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Roy", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), Salary = 19000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 106, FirstName = "John", LastName = "Papa", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), Salary = 12000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 104, FirstName = "Pop", LastName = "Two", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), Salary = 19000, IsActive = false },
new Employee3 { Id = 105, FirstName = "Ronald", LastName = "Dire", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), Salary = 16500.50M, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 102, FirstName = "Line", LastName = "K", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), Salary = 24000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 101, FirstName = "Daniel", LastName = "Potter", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), Salary = 21000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 108, FirstName = "Zayne", LastName = "Simmons", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), Salary = 17850, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 109, FirstName = "Isha", LastName = "Davison", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), Salary = 8000, IsActive = true },

See demo here

Server side filtering, paging and sorting

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Server side filtering, paging and sorting

For server-side sorting, we need the SortString parameter on GridColumn along with the SortKeySelector parameter.

<Grid TItem="Customer2"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="CustomerId" SortString="CustomerId" SortKeySelector="item => item.CustomerId" FilterTextboxWidth="50" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Customer Name" PropertyName="CustomerName" SortString="CustomerName" SortKeySelector="item => item.CustomerName" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Phone" PropertyName="Phone" SortString="Phone" SortKeySelector="item => item.Phone" FilterTextboxWidth="100">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Email" PropertyName="Email" SortString="Email" SortKeySelector="item => item.Email" FilterTextboxWidth="120">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Address" PropertyName="Address" SortString="Address" SortKeySelector="item => item.Address" FilterTextboxWidth="150">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Postal Zip" PropertyName="PostalZip" SortString="PostalZip" SortKeySelector="item => item.PostalZip" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Country" PropertyName="Country" SortString="Country" SortKeySelector="item => item.Country" FilterTextboxWidth="80">

@code {
[Inject] public ICustomerService _customerService { get; set; } = default!;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Customer2>> CustomersDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Customer2> request)
string sortString = "";
SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.None;

if (request.Sorting is not null && request.Sorting.Any())
// Note: Multi column sorting is not supported at this moment
sortString = request.Sorting.FirstOrDefault()!.SortString;
sortDirection = request.Sorting.FirstOrDefault()!.SortDirection;
var result = await _customerService.GetCustomersAsync(request.Filters, request.PageNumber, request.PageSize, sortString, sortDirection, request.CancellationToken);
return await Task.FromResult(new GridDataProviderResult<Customer2> { Data = result.Item1, TotalCount = result.Item2 });

See demo here

Set default sorting

IsDefaultSortColumn parameter is required to set the default sorting. Add IsDefaultSortColumn="true" parameter to the GridColumn. The default sort direction will be ascending. To change the default sorting of a column, add SortDirection="SortDirection.Descending" to the GridColumn.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Set default sorting

If more than one GridColumn has the IsDefaultSortColumn paramter, it will pick the first column as the default sorting column.

<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.Id)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.Name)" IsDefaultSortColumn="true" SortDirection="SortDirection.Descending">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.Designation)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.DOJ)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.IsActive)">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

See demo here

Disable specific column sorting

Add Sortable="false" parameter the GridColumn to disable the sorting.


If sorting is disabled, then the SortKeySelector parameter is not required.

The sorting is disabled on the Designation column in the below example.

<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.Id)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.Name)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" Sortable="false">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.DOJ)">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" SortKeySelector="@(item => item.IsActive)">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

See demo here

Header text alignment

Use the HeaderTextAlignment parameter to change the header column alignment. By default, HeaderTextAlignment is set to Alignment.Start. Other options you can use are Alignment.Center and Alignment.End.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Header text alignment
<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.End">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },

See demo here

Cell alignment

Use the TextAlignment parameter to change the cell data alignment. By default, TextAlignment is set to Alignment.Start. Other options you can use are Alignment.Center and Alignment.End.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Cell alignment
<Grid TItem="Employee2"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Id" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Employee Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Salary" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.End" TextAlignment="Alignment.End">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Active" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee2>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee2>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee2> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee2> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee2>
new Employee2 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", Salary = 7700, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", Salary = 19000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", Salary = 12000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", Salary = 19000, IsActive = false },
new Employee2 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", Salary = 16500.50M, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", Salary = 24000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", Salary = 21000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", Salary = 17850, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", Salary = 8000, IsActive = true },

See demo here

Cell formating

To format the cell data, use ToString() method and format strings. Refer: How to format numbers, dates, enums, and other types in .NET

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Cell formating


<Grid TItem="Employee2" class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped" DataProvider="EmployeesDataProvider">
<Grid TItem="Employee2"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Id" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Employee Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Salary" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.End" TextAlignment="Alignment.End">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee2" HeaderText="Active" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee2>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee2>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee2> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee2> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee2>
new Employee2 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", Salary = 7700, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", Salary = 19000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", Salary = 12000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", Salary = 19000, IsActive = false },
new Employee2 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", Salary = 16500.50M, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", Salary = 24000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", Salary = 21000, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", Salary = 17850, IsActive = true },
new Employee2 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", Salary = 8000, IsActive = true },

See demo here

Cell nowrap

To prevent text from wrapping, add TextNoWrap="true" parameter to the GridColumn.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Cell nowrap

Add Responsive="true" parameter to the grid to enable horizontal scrolling.

<Grid TItem="Employee3"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Id" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="First Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="First Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Email">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Company" TextNoWrap="true">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Designation" TextNoWrap="true">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Salary" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.End" TextAlignment="Alignment.End">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee3" HeaderText="Active" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">

@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee3>? employees;

private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee3>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee3> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));

private IEnumerable<Employee3> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee3>
new Employee3 { Id = 107, FirstName = "Alice", LastName = "Reddy", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), Salary = 7700, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 103, FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Roy", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), Salary = 19000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 106, FirstName = "John", LastName = "Papa", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), Salary = 12000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 104, FirstName = "Pop", LastName = "Two", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), Salary = 19000, IsActive = false },
new Employee3 { Id = 105, FirstName = "Ronald", LastName = "Dire", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), Salary = 16500.50M, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 102, FirstName = "Line", LastName = "K", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), Salary = 24000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 101, FirstName = "Daniel", LastName = "Potter", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), Salary = 21000, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 108, FirstName = "Zayne", LastName = "Simmons", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), Salary = 17850, IsActive = true },
new Employee3 { Id = 109, FirstName = "Isha", LastName = "Davison", Email = "", Company = "BlazorBootstrap Company", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), Salary = 8000, IsActive = true },

See demo here

Empty data

If there are no records to display in the Grid, by default, it will display the No records to display message. You can change this message by adding the EmptyText parameter to the Grid.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Empty data
<Grid TItem="Employee"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"
EmptyText="No records to display">

<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="First Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="Last Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="Designation">

@code {
private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee> request)
await Task.Delay(3000);

return (new GridDataProviderResult<Employee> { Data = new List<Employee>(), TotalCount = 0 });

See demo here

Empty data template

Set the GridEmptyDataTemplate to customize the message displayed when the grid has no records.

Blazor Bootstrap: Grid Component - Empty data template
<Grid TItem="Employee"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"

<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="First Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee" HeaderText="Last Name">