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Layout Setup - Blazor WebAssembly

Get started with the Enterprise-class Blazor Bootstrap Component library built on the Blazor and Bootstrap CSS frameworks.


Assuming you followed the getting started docs for the initial setup.

  1. Blazor WebAssembly Project: Follow the getting started steps for the initial setup.
  2. Blazor Server Project: Follow the getting started steps for the initial setup.


Replace MainLayout.razor page code with the below code.


Remove all the CSS content from the Shared/MainLayout.razor.css file.

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

<BlazorBootstrapLayout StickyHeader="true">
<ThemeSwitcher Class="ps-3 ps-lg-2" />

<Sidebar2 Href="/"
Title="Blazor Bootstrap"
WidthUnit="Unit.Px" />


Footer links...

@code {
private IEnumerable<NavItem> navItems = default!;

private async Task<Sidebar2DataProviderResult> Sidebar2DataProvider(Sidebar2DataProviderRequest request)
if (navItems is null)
navItems = GetNavItems();

return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(navItems));

private IEnumerable<NavItem> GetNavItems()
navItems = new List<NavItem>
new NavItem { Id = "1", Href = "/", IconName = IconName.HouseDoorFill, Text = "Home", Match=NavLinkMatch.All},
new NavItem { Id = "2", Href = "/counter", IconName = IconName.PlusSquareFill, Text = "Counter"},
new NavItem { Id = "3", Href = "/fetchdata", IconName = IconName.Table, Text = "Fetch Data"},

return navItems;

Starter templates

.NET 8


.NET 7

  1. Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor WebAssembly App

    Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor WebAssembly App
  2. Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor Empty WebAssembly App

    Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor Empty WebAssembly App

.NET 6

  1. Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor WebAssembly App

    Blazor Bootstrap - Blazor WebAssembly App