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Blazor Line Chart

A Blazor Bootstrap line chart component is a graphical representation of data that uses a series of connected points to show how the data changes over time. It is a type of x-y chart, where the x-axis represents the independent variable, such as time, and the y-axis represents the dependent variable, such as the value.

Blazor Chart Component - Blazor Line Chart


NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
HeightintGets or sets chart height.1.0.0
WidthintGet or sets chart width.1.0.0


NameReturn typeDescriptionAdded Version
AddDataAsyncChartDataAdds data to bar chart.1.10.0
AddDatasetAsyncChartDataAdds dataset to bar chart.1.10.0
InitializeAsyncTaskInitialize Bar Chart.1.0.0
UpdateAsyncTaskUpdate Bar Chart.1.0.0

ChartData Members

Property NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
LabelsList<string>null✔️Gets or sets the Labels.1.0.0
DatasetsList<IChartDataset>null✔️Gets or sets the Datasets.1.0.0

LineChartDataset Members


LineChartDataset implements IChartDataset.

Property NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
BackgroundColorList<string>nullGet or sets the BackgroundColor.1.0.0
BorderColorList<string>nullGet or sets the BorderColor.1.0.0
BorderDashList<int>nullLine dash.1.0.0
BorderDashOffsetdouble0.0Line dash offset.1.0.0
BorderWidthList<double>nullGet or sets the BorderWidth.1.0.0
ClipstringnullHow to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. 0 = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0}1.0.0
DataList<double>nullGet or sets the Data.1.0.0
DatalabelsLineChartDatasetDataLabelsGet or sets the data labels
FillboolfalseBoth line and radar charts support a fill option on the dataset object which can be used to create area between two datasets or a dataset and a boundary, i.e. the scale origin, start or end.1.0.0
HiddenboolfalseConfigures the visibility state of the dataset. Set it to true, to hide the dataset from the chart.1.0.0
HoverBackgroundColorList<string>null✔️Get or sets the HoverBackgroundColor.1.0.0
HoverBorderColorList<string>null✔️Get or sets the HoverBorderColor.1.0.0
HoverBorderDashList<int>nullHover line dash.1.0.0
HoverBorderWidthList<double>null✔️Get or sets the HoverBorderWidth.1.0.0
LabelstringnullThe label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips.1.0.0
PointBackgroundColorList<string>new List<string> { "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" }The fill color for points.1.0.0
PointBorderColorList<string>new List<string> { "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" }The border color for points.1.0.0
PointBorderWidthList<double>new List<double> { 1 }The width of the point border in pixels.1.0.0
PointHitRadiusList<double>new List<double> { 1 }The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events.1.0.0
PointHoverBackgroundColorList<string>nullPoint background color when hovered.1.0.0
PointHoverBorderColorList<string>nullPoint border color when hovered.1.0.0
PointHoverBorderWidthList<double>new List<double> { 1 }Border width of point when hovered.1.0.0
PointHoverRadiusnew List<int>new List<int> { 1 }The radius of the point when hovered.1.0.0
PointRadiusList<int>new List<int> { 1 }The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, the point is not rendered.1.0.0
PointRotationList<int>new List<int> { 0 }The rotation of the point in degrees.1.0.0
PointStyleList<string>new List<string> { "circle" }Style of the point. Use 'circle', 'cross', 'crossRot', 'dash', 'line', 'rect', 'rectRounded', 'rectRot', 'star', and 'triangle' to style the point.1.0.0
ShowLinebooltrueIf false, the lines between points are not drawn.1.0.0
SpanGapsboolfalseIf true, lines will be drawn between points with no or null data. If false, points with null data will create a break in the line. Can also be a number specifying the maximum gap length to span. The unit of the value depends on the scale used.1.0.0
Steppedboolfalsetrue to show the line as a stepped line (tension will be ignored).1.0.0
Tensiondouble0.2Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used.1.0.0
Typestringnull✔️Get or sets the chart type.1.0.0
XAxisIDstringnullThe ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on.1.0.0
YAxisIDstringnullThe ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on.1.0.0

LineChartDatasetDataLabels Members

Property NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
Alignstring?startGets or sets the align.1.10.2
Anchorstring?startGets or sets the anchor.1.10.2

LineChartOptions Members


LineChartOptions implements ChartOptions.

Property NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionAdded Version
IndexAxisstringxThe base axis of the chart. 'x' for vertical charts and 'y' for horizontal charts.1.0.0
InteractionInteractionGets or sets the Interaction.1.0.0
LayoutChartLayoutGets or sets the ChartLayout.1.0.0
Localestring?Gets or sets the locale. By default, the chart is using the default locale of the platform which is running on.1.10.0
PluginsLineChartPluginsGets or sets the Plugins.1.10.2
ResponsiveboolfalseGets or sets the Responsive.1.0.0
ScalesScalesGets or sets the Scales.1.0.0



Refer to the getting started guide for setting up charts.

How it works

In the following example, a categorical 12-color palette is used.


For data visualization, you can use the predefined palettes ColorBuilder.CategoricalTwelveColors for a 12-color palette and ColorBuilder.CategoricalSixColors for a 6-color palette. These palettes offer a range of distinct and visually appealing colors that can be applied to represent different categories or data elements in your visualizations.

Blazor Bootstrap: Line Chart Component - How it works
@using BlazorBootstrap.Extensions
@using Color = System.Drawing.Color

<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" Class="mb-4" />

<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="Size.Small" @onclick="async () => await RandomizeAsync()"> Randomize </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="Size.Small" @onclick="async () => await AddDatasetAsync()"> Add Dataset </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="Size.Small" @onclick="async () => await AddDataAsync()"> Add Data </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="Size.Small" @onclick="async () => await ShowHorizontalLineChartAsync()"> Horizontal Line Chart </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="Size.Small" @onclick="async () => await ShowVerticalLineChartAsync()"> Vertical Line Chart </Button>
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;

private int datasetsCount = 0;
private int labelsCount = 0;

private Random random = new();

protected override void OnInitialized()
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = GetDefaultDataLabels(6), Datasets = GetDefaultDataSets(3) };
lineChartOptions = new() { Responsive = true, Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index } };

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);

private async Task RandomizeAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null || !chartData.Datasets.Any()) return;

var newDatasets = new List<IChartDataset>();

foreach (var dataset in chartData.Datasets)
if (dataset is LineChartDataset lineChartDataset
&& lineChartDataset is not null
&& lineChartDataset.Data is not null)
var count = lineChartDataset.Data.Count;

var newData = new List<double>();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)

lineChartDataset.Data = newData;

chartData.Datasets = newDatasets;

await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);

private async Task AddDatasetAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null) return;

var chartDataset = GetRandomLineChartDataset();
chartData = await lineChart.AddDatasetAsync(chartData, chartDataset, lineChartOptions);

private async Task AddDataAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null)

var data = new List<IChartDatasetData>();
foreach (var dataset in chartData.Datasets)
if (dataset is LineChartDataset lineChartDataset)
data.Add(new LineChartDatasetData(lineChartDataset.Label, random.Next(200)));

chartData = await lineChart.AddDataAsync(chartData, GetNextDataLabel(), data);

private async Task ShowHorizontalLineChartAsync()
lineChartOptions.IndexAxis = "y";
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);

private async Task ShowVerticalLineChartAsync()
lineChartOptions.IndexAxis = "x";
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);

#region Data Preparation

private List<IChartDataset> GetDefaultDataSets(int numberOfDatasets)
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();

for (var index = 0; index < numberOfDatasets; index++)

return datasets;

private LineChartDataset GetRandomLineChartDataset()
var c = ColorBuilder.CategoricalTwelveColors[datasetsCount].ToColor();

datasetsCount += 1;

return new LineChartDataset()
Label = $"Team {datasetsCount}",
Data = GetRandomData(),
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { c.ToRgbString() },
BorderColor = new List<string> { c.ToRgbString() },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { c.ToRgbString() },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 0 }, // hide points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

private List<double> GetRandomData()
var data = new List<double>();
for (var index = 0; index < labelsCount; index++)

return data;

private List<string> GetDefaultDataLabels(int numberOfLabels)
var labels = new List<string>();
for (var index = 0; index < numberOfLabels; index++)

return labels;

private string GetNextDataLabel()
labelsCount += 1;
return $"Day {labelsCount}";

#endregion Data Preparation

Another example

Blazor Bootstrap: Line Chart Component - Another example
@using BlazorBootstrap.Extensions
@using Color = System.Drawing.Color

<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" Class="mb-4" />
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;

protected override void OnInitialized()
var colors = ColorBuilder.CategoricalTwelveColors;

var labels = new List<string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();

var dataset1 = new LineChartDataset()
Label = "Windows",
Data = new List<double> { 7265791, 5899643, 6317759, 6315641, 5338211, 8496306, 7568556, 8538933, 8274297, 8657298, 7548388, 7764845 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 0 }, // hide points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

var dataset2 = new LineChartDataset()
Label = "macOS",
Data = new List<double> { 1809499, 1816642, 2122410, 1809499, 1850793, 1846743, 1954797, 2391313, 1983430, 2469918, 2633303, 2821149 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 0 }, // hide points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

var dataset3 = new LineChartDataset()
Label = "Other",
Data = new List<double> { 1081241, 1100363, 1118136, 1073255, 1120315, 1395736, 1488788, 1489466, 1489947, 1414739, 1735811, 1820171 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 0 }, // hide points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

chartData = new ChartData
Labels = labels,
Datasets = datasets

lineChartOptions = new();
lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };

lineChartOptions.Scales.X.Title.Text = "2019";
lineChartOptions.Scales.X.Title.Display = true;

lineChartOptions.Scales.Y.Title.Text = "Visitors";
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y.Title.Display = true;

lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Text = "Operating system";
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Display = true;

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);

See the demo here.

Data labels

Blazor Bootstrap: Line Chart Component - Data labels
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" Class="mb-4" />
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;

protected override void OnInitialized()
var colors = ColorBuilder.CategoricalTwelveColors;

var labels = new List<string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();

var dataset1 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Windows",
Data = new List<double> { 7265791, 5899643, 6317759, 6315641, 5338211, 8496306, 7568556, 8538933, 8274297, 8657298, 7548388, 7764845 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[0] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 3 }, // show points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Align = "end", Anchor = "end" }

var dataset2 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "macOS",
Data = new List<double> { 1809499, 1816642, 2122410, 1809499, 1850793, 1846743, 1954797, 2391313, 1983430, 2469918, 2633303, 2821149 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[1] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 3 }, // show points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Align = "end", Anchor = "end" }

var dataset3 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Other",
Data = new List<double> { 1081241, 1100363, 1118136, 1073255, 1120315, 1395736, 1488788, 1489466, 1489947, 1414739, 1735811, 1820171 },
BackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
BorderColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
BorderWidth = new List<double> { 2 },
HoverBorderWidth = new List<double> { 4 },
PointBackgroundColor = new List<string> { colors[2] },
PointRadius = new List<int> { 3 }, // show points
PointHoverRadius = new List<int> { 4 },

// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Align = "start", Anchor = "start" }

chartData = new ChartData
Labels = labels,
Datasets = datasets

lineChartOptions = new();
lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };

lineChartOptions.Scales.X.Title.Text = "2019";
lineChartOptions.Scales.X.Title.Display = true;

lineChartOptions.Scales.Y.Title.Text = "Visitors";
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y.Title.Display = true;

lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Text = "Operating system";
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Display = true;

// datalabels
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Datalabels.Color = "white";

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
// pass the plugin name to enable the data labels
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData: chartData, chartOptions: lineChartOptions, plugins: new string[] { "ChartDataLabels" });
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);


See the demo here.